
Hidalgo Asteroid

Capacity for self-assertion in defense of principals.  

In certain aspects and ideas, this is about standing up for yourself.  

Fighting for your right to party.  Or in other cases, asserting the truth instead of what has been pushed by those who appeared to be in power.  

For example, a bunch of kids bullying and harassing one kid, all of them working against one kid, and the kid resorts to their level in a sort of way and the kid that was getting picked on by the group of kids gets in trouble because he lashed back against these fuckers. 

Anyway, self-assertion in defense of not having to home school this bastard is the best option.  We're fighting against the principal not the principals. 

I remember when I was being bullied in seventh-grade as a matter of fact.  This one chick told me they're really cowards, and as soon as I said something and stood up for myself and wouldn't give the one chick a pencil (our lockers were right next to one another) she stopped.  She got embarrassed.  I said no, she tried to get in my face, I didn't back down, and she never bothered me like that again.  As a matter of fact, she transferred out of that school shortly thereafter.