Asteroid Number 1170
Discovered September 29, 1930 by Delporte, E. at Uccle
The Soul of the Universe, the All-Merciful, the Destroyer of Ignorance.
The Ideal of Manhood, embodiment of Godhead.
"The Sweetest of the Sweet, the most Terrible of the Terrible, the Lord of Heroes, and the Wondrous-Eyed."
A prayer to Shiva:
From the Unreal lead us to the Real,
From the Darkness lead us unto Light,
From Death lead us to Immortality.
Reach us through and through ourself,
And evermore protect us,
O Thou Terrible!--from ignorance,
By Thy sweet compassionate face.
I drew the sigil for Shiva.
This is terrible, masculine. For terrible, feminine please see Hecate.