
It's like Noah's Ark.  That's where I made the connection.  Gathering a male and female of every species on a boat and then hoping and praying that you picked the right male specimen and then discovering you choose the wrong female specimen and feeling very embarrassed and very belittled.

However, this is illustrated by ol Tony, whom this or that may or may not ever get to meet 

If there's not a soul associated with this then nothing will ever manifest with a James.  It's very unfortunate.  

"I wanted to prove a point, that I can leave them high and dry too, and they only have themselves to blame"-
-something a lil' better off, something stronger, and something that can withstand the storm...  

To test something is to throw out that connection word and see how they react.
Connection is a word that destroys men...
With one simple word you can see how much they lack.
When they lack so much they lack a connection.

When they want you to move back with your mother, they lack knowledge.
To lack knowledge is to just not know....  To not know is to just not understand....