Causes murder and bloodshed. Tells of things to come. Causes the love of friends or enemies. Can make one invisible.
>>Black Moon Lilith in Taurus<<
Murders and Abortions. Tells the future.
Pays Litigation fees.
When I was a kid, about 4 or 5 years old, I had an imaginary friend named Bola this is my best guess of my first contact with this guy. We used to draw on the walls together in my upstairs bedroom.
Constrained by Nithhajah and by saying Psalm 9:1
I will give thanks to you, LORD, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.
This guy, apparently his father is Asmodeus and his specialty, when he has a balanced right hemisphere of the brain, which includes ones' creative endeavors, creates beautiful paintings where the demon captures the souls of unfortunates in the paintings and torments them for eternity with the paintings.
Now the term paintings I use very loosely it can be a classical painting on a canvas with watercolours or acryllics, or quite frankly, one could simply use the paint program available on all Microsoft PCs! For an example of a painting I have created please see the sigil in this asteroid post, or many or my other asteroidal posts.
One of seventy-two demons traditionally associated with the Goetia, Glasya-Labolas has several variants of his name. These variations include Glacia-Labolas and Glasya-la Bolas, among others. In Wierus's Pseudomonarchia Daemonum, he is said to also be known by the names Caarcrinolaas and Caassimolar, just to add to the confusion. This demon is reputed to hold the rank of president and he is said to govern thirty-six legions of lesser spirits. When he manifests, he appears as a dog with gryphon's wings. He is said to have the power to turn people invisible. He also teaches knowledge of the arts and can explain all present and future occurrences. Although many of the abilities attributed to this demon seem relatively benign, he is nevertheless also described as a captain of all manslayers. The Goetia included in the Lemegeton says that he has the power to teach all arts in an instant. It further ascribes to him the power to incite slaughter and bloodshed. In the Goetia of Dr. Rudd, he is said to be governed by the angel Nathhajah. See also GOETIA, RUDD, SCOT, WIERUS.