
>>Eros Asteroid<<

Capacity for vitality and passion.

Greek God of Erotic Love
Primal, phallic God born out of Chaos (the void) at the beginning of time.
Together with Psyche, symbolizes a soulmate union.

The God of Love, Son of Aphrodite, identified with the Roman God Cupid. 

Symbolizes sexual compatibility and the reciprocation of passion. 

Sexual Love or Desire.

The Life instinct based on the libido, sublimated impulses and self-preservation.

Eros in his capacity as Cupid, sent to wound Psyche, but only wounding himself and thereby falling in love with the monster he was sent to destroy.

"I hate incompetent men!"-Mr. Boyd

Eros rescuing his lover Psyche after she couldn't resist the temptation of opening up a can of worms per say...
Love Wins.