Asteroid Number 2264
Discovered 1979 Dec. 16 by E. Bowell at the Anderson Mesa Station of the Lowell Observatory.
Named for a legendary English princess, daughter of King Locrine. Along with her mother, Sabrina was drowned in the River Severn by Locrine's angry widow. Sabrina became the Roman name for the River Severn.
This is the gym leader of the Saffron City Gym in the Kanto region (first generation) of Pokemon. She has Psychic type pokemon. The weakness of psychic type Pokemon is dark type pokemon, but those aren't available until the second generation. However, I think they're also weak to ghost types but it's a double ended weakness as ghost types are weak to psychic types too.
Other asteroids that come to mind thinking of psychicism is Athena, Athene, and Cassandra.
The name Sabrina means legendary princess. This leads me to believe it is about Legendary Ladies. Please see information and disclaimer for more.