
Also called Cain elsewhere.  See Juno.  Camio is seemingly the Demonic.  See Black Moon Lilith Collection.   

See also Lilith Asteroids.

Empathic.  Can talk to and understand animals.  

This be Lilith and Samael's bastard son who to avoid divorce becomes Samael because what's her name keeps killing him off when he becomes something that is displeasing to her.  That's the truth.  She kills him off by cutting him off and "transforming" into Saturn instead.  Look at the symbol.  It can't be a coincidence.  Starting over with a fresh copy and releasing that whom have outgrown one another.  That seems awfully Jupiter-esque to have many baby, many place, with many .. and "stupid *el* you my personal feminine demonic and I will GOD DAM NED before you start the Lea shit.  There's not even an H at the end that means you don't stand a fighting much chance. 

I mean it could be the other way around too.  In the Qur'an, if you kill someone, even if it is your enemy ... you are required to free their slaves, or something like that.  That means make them cumSee.  Surah 4: 92.  

"One thot, two thot, red thot, blue thot."  WIth just a 

However, the true downfall comes when Cain offers God his asshole and his brother offers a lamb and God says Cain's asshole is an "inappropriate" offering and chooses the lamb instead.

Anubis tells me.... The burning ashes must be the asshole and an Answer in civil procedure (that the court accepts) must be a lamb.... That's the best I can come up with for this one, buddy boy.

One of the seventy-two demons associated with the Goetia, Caim was reputedly a member of the Order of Angels before his fall.  According to Scot's Discoverie of Witchcraft he holds the title of president and has a total of thirty legions of spirits under his command.  He is said to manifest first in the form of a thrush, but he can also assume a human form.  When he takes the form of a man, he appears carrying a sharp sword in his hand.  He is said to give his answers in burning ashes.  Among his powers, he is said to make people agble to understand the inhuman languages of birds, dogs, and cattle.  He can even gift a mortal with the ability to comprehend the meaning in the sounds of rivers, oceans, and streams.  He is best at answering questions concerning the future. In Wierus's Pseudomonarchia Daemonum, his name is spelled Caym.  According to Collin de Plancy, Martin Luther, the founder of the Protestant Reformation, claimed to have had an encounter with this demon.  In the Goetia of Dr. Rudd, his name is spelled Camio.  Here, he is said to bow to the power of the angel NanaelSee also DE PLANCY, GOETIA, RUDD, SCOT, WIERUS.