
Procures the love of a woman of any age.  Tells where treasures are hidden.  Tells of the past, present and future.
Occult Tarot, Travis McHenry

Causes one to be  beloved by women (and is the only spirit who appears in the form of a woman).  Knows past, present, and futur, and will lead to hidden gold and treasure.
Secrets of Magical Seals, Anna Riva\


So there's two options for a girl riding a camel.  The first is Paimon, then there's this piece of true, real gold in the mix.  

Either way, you have to disguish when analyzing pop culture whether Cardi B in Bodak Yellow is this girl riding the camel or Paimon.  😛

What-do-you think?  Only I know the truth!!

Remember Bodak Yellow is about spiritual enlightenment.  The word Bodak is something about spirituality and yellow is a color that inspires or brings enlightenment and inspiration to any situation.

The Situation is Mike Sorrentino from Jersey Shore.  That must be the Camel.  Uh huh, that's right, uh huh...OH NO!  Fix yourself girl, you gotta camel toe!  Any situation must be any of the members of the Hoardes and Hoardes of Saint Michaels.

Don't subject yourself to a life of being a Death Defier.
Sure, they're blessed but are they dependent on God for their blessings?
Blessings are just another vice.

The fifty-sixth demon of the Goetia.  Gemory is a strong and mighty duke in charge of twenty-six legions of lesser spirits.  Spelled Gomory in Wierus's Pseudomonarchia Daemonum, this demon is said to answer truthfully on matters concerning the past, present, and future as well as the whereabouts of hidden treasure.  Scot's Discoverie of Witchcraft attributes Gemory with the ability to procure the love of women -- especialy that of young maids.  Although Gemory is described using a male pronoun, he is nevertheless said to assume the appearance of a fair woman.  In this form, he wears a ducal crown about his waist and rides upon a camel.  In the Goetia of Dr. Rudd, his name is spelled Gremory.  According to this text, the angel Poiel has power over this demon.  In the Welsh Book of Incantations, he also appears in the guise of a beautiful woman, but here it is a duchess's girdle that is worn roung the waist.  His (or her) office is to procure the love of women, young and old.  See also BOOK OF INCANTATIONS, GOETIA, RUDD, SCOT, WIERUS.