Teaches the virtues of herbs and stones. Makes birds appear and behave as though tame.
This is more about this manifesto of what's his name appearing a bird in order to conquer, who knew? he also appears as a tamed bird. Ha, ha! Tricked ya.
Anyway, the light aspects of this guy, apparanetly, include things like Scott Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs and Crystal, Gem and Metal Magic. There's also Doreen Virtue products.... more to come on this at a later date. I don't own any Doreen Virtue Products currently but I used to have her Goddess Guidance cards and this is what I remember from them
Vesta is Home
You know what a Vested Total or Vested Amount is? This is financial speak. Probably the language of animals....
The sixty-ninth demon of the Goetia. This demon has a most unusual appearance: he is said to manifest in the form of a star. In both Wierus's Pseudomonarchia Daemonum, Scot's Discoverie of Witchcraft, and the Book of Incantations, the text does not include the word star, but a star-like symbol is taken to represent the demon's form. The Goetia of Dr. Rudd goes one step further, stating that the demon appears as a star inside of a Pentagram and includes the image of that star in its text. Fortunately, this peculiar form is only temporary, and the demon is able to assume a human form after his initial manifestation. The primary power of this demon involves birds. He is said to be able to make any and all types of birds manifest before his master. They will drink and sing and otherwise behave as if tame for as lojng as their presence is desired. He also has knowledge of herbs and precious stones and can impart this when requested. Scot's Discoverie of Witchcraft fails to attribute a title to this demon, although it states that he commands thirty- legions. The Pseudomonarchia Daemonumidentifies Decarabia as a king and an earl. In the Goetia of Dr. Rudd, he is given the title of marquis. This text also says that the angel Roehel has the power to constrain him. An alternate cersion of his name is Carabia. See also BOOK OF INCANTATIONS, GOETIA, RUDD, SCOT, WIERUS.
Decarabia is the Sixty-ninth Spirit of Solomon, who appears as a burning and flaming pentacle, then at the command of the magician takes the shape of a man. Decarabia instructs the sorcerer on astral and dream shape shifting, how one may transform into a bird or bat, to fly forth and discover darker places of the earth, as well as coming before the magician and acting in the natural way in which birds do. Decarabia teaches also the use of stones and elements in sorceries. He governs 30 Legions of Spirits and is a Mighty Marquis.