
Causes women to love men and brings them together in love.  Can make women Barren.

Ceres in the book Asteroid Goddesses is described as a lesbian.  Look at these two lovers, they certainly look like two females.  They are passing back and forth between them what looks like either a baby or a potato.  On Amazon accounts, you are usually listed as the Account Holder if you have your own account that is.  

This may have to do with writing a book, in the book Nephthys written by Bill Duvendack the author first apologizes in advance for being a straight male, later he refers to Nephthys is as a barren woman and a cold hearted bitch.

This is a mother and son passing an idea or anything for that matter back and forth.  One adding to it, etc.  I got this one thing about Celebrating Christian Faith, it's kinda like that.  It's kinda like a black father and son playing catch.

This is one of the publishers at Barron's newspaper writing about women or it's Psyche making Aphrodite jealous, inadvertently.  

Looks like Carrie...

A demon associated with love and lust, Zepar is the sixteenth demon of the Goetia.  According to both Wierus's Pseudomonarchia Daemonum and Scot's Discoverie of Witchcraft, this demon has the ability to inflame women with the love of men.  Apparently, if his power to inspire love fails, he also has the ability to transform his targets into different shapes, keeping them thus transformed until such time as they give in to the love spell.  He also makes women barren.  A grand duke of Hell, Zepar appears in the form of a soldier and has twenty-six legions of lesser spirits beneath him.  In the Goetia of Dr. Rudd, he appears as a man in red apparel, armed like a soldier.  According to this text, the angel Hakamiah has power to control and compel him.  See also GOETIA, RUDD, SCOT, WIERUS.