St. Gabriel

God is my Strength
Divine revelation.  Reveals messages.  Has the power to destroy.

The Messenger of God
In a special version of the Q'uran it is but GOD, not Allah that leads the revolution.  This one is often likened to the New Testament of the Bible, whatever that means.  And instead of traveling with Cassandra as the trusted and listened to (in Muslim culture anyway) messenger we get to travel with GABRIEL.  That's why God is the strength here and not Allah!

That is One Hell of an Evil Suggestion
An evil suggestion always at least has the potential to destroy.  If listened to or acted upon , it will destroy.
It's always an evil suggestion to fuck your neighbor. 

the capacity to be psychically sensitive to another

What have we learned about motherhood we ask.  In gestation, the mother is the host, whereas the child seems to be a parasite.

A connection is sufficient to be able to collapse an empire.

An attachment is necessary in-so-far as the gestation period is concerned, but upon birth that attachment is severed thereby testing if a mother can form an appropriate connection with her child to be able to protect that child.