Asteroid Number 588
Discovered February 22, 1906 by Wolf, M. at Heidelberg
The term Achilles means weakness. In Greek mythology, he was the loyal comrad, friend and war-time companion of Patroclus. In certain mythologies, they are said to have been gay or homosexual lovers.
The lesson to learn about Achilles and weakness is that anyone looking to bring you down or defeat you, will always attack your most loyal or devoted one first. Just think of and remember the story of Job. In which, SATAN gets what he wants by GOD turning his back on, or betraying his most devoted. And we all know what happens. JOB's wife even perishes... Which is something that could never be forgotten. JOB breaks down, defeated, and asks GOD, WHY? Why would GOD let SATAN win? All because SATAN could identify where GOD was vulnerable... HAIL SATAN WHICH IS ALAS THE MOST TOXIC PIECE OF GOD. If you ever wondered what being your own enemy means, familiarize yourself with the story of JOB.
In essence, an enemy will always attack and try to separate you from your most valuable piece because once the enemy has prevailed and you turn your back on or your loyalties away from that piece, attacks on that piece do way more damage to YOU. In certain literature if someone attacks you at your weakness* the attacks do 1.5x (or more) the damage that attack would do on someone not weak to that attack.
One is only as strong as their weakest link.
Turn your weakness into your strength.
Long story short, Patroclus is was a infamous figure of the patriarchy. Achilles was his war time companion who never betrayed him and helped him win countless victories.
*In Pokemon literature, fire types are weak to water type attacks. Water types are weak to grass and electric type attacks.
Most notably, psychic types are weak to dark attacks. However, dark types are weak to fairy type attacks. Fairy is a slang word for a flaming homosexual.