Asteroid Number 8990
Discovered on February 19, 1980, at Klet Observatory in Ceske Budovice, Czech Republic
So compassion is how we garner empathy. Tara is the goddess of compassion and is born from one tear drop. Salt water unto your face breaks the mask.
Clairsentience or rather "clear feeling" is a broader version of empathy. It's a gift of a sort, it feels like at least.
Clairvoyance is clear sight or clear seeing. One has to be clairvoyant in order to see all these things. Clairvoyance is a trait of the high priestess.
Ruby is a gemstone that stimulates compassion, connections, happiness, love, loyalty, passion and respect.
I made the sigil for Compassion. With a main focus on self-compassion.
Amor, the Greek God of Love, is understood as the capacity for compassion and platonic love... This reminds me and has me thinking and contemplating about the empath-narcissist paradigm. That is, the relationship dynamics between a narcissist and an empath and the detrimental effects that has on the empath.