Asteroid Number 1912
Discovered September 24, 1960 by the Dutch and Dutch–American astronomers Ingrid and Cornelis van Houten at Leiden, and Tom Gehrels
>> Anubis of Little Egypt <<
Lord of Success without Much Time to Spare
No greater harm could be done to the deceased than erasing his name from his monuments, for the destruction of his name was equivalent to the destruction of his individuality.
Book the The Dead, Chapter XXV
Egyptian god of Death, Mummification, the underworld and life after death. Presides over mummification and funeral rites.
Son of Seth, God of Evil, and Nephthys. Sent off with Isis and husband, Osiris are like the baby sitters of this guy. That's who he likes to be babysat by. That's the only people allowed to baby sit him, apparently. He has a cousin named Horus that he really likes apparently.
So, the shadow aspects of Anubis are made with Osiris. The myth (it's up to you) goes that if you don't see your shadow, there will be six more weeks of depression, that means without sunlight. The long story short on this is that six weeks must
Quite frankly, they say this guy, in Greek, is the equivalent of Hades. In Roman, the equivalent of Pluto.
The sigil (to the left) is made by me.
Arguing with my staff (infection?).
So I hear if you're a virgin until you're 30 years old, you're automatically a wizard.
Look at him arguing with his own tool, mad because of the Spanish wording.
Donde Estas Casa De Pepe?
We should also note that this guy is a Shaman. There's one in particular that looks like this guy sometimes, and even claims to be a Shaman as well, and that pisses me the hell off.
Shaman's can bless your dream catchers to actually work. That's how prestigious. That's why Ms. Cleo is a FRAUD!