Juno plays the role of wife. She is Jupiter's wife.
When they talk about this in the bible, she is analohous to Eve. She can also appear as a black male. Please see Black Moon Lilith in Gemini. I like to call this one, rather I nicknamed him in a way or a sort of way "Eve Ry". He will listen to your crazy stories even if you not talking..
Eve has three sons, Cain, Abel and later a wonderful, wonderful blessing but we wont talk about that here. Juno and Jupiter (Hera and Zeus in Greek) have three children: Ares, Hebe, and Hephaestus.
They always say she's about powerlessness, but that's if she doesn't cum... She has the power to object to any marriage. Just like a hanged jury, one bad apple that disagrees can shut down a whole entire operation.
The Juno/Hera hybrid made by Pacific Investments says the theme of such is love. She's shown proudly prancing, with her symbol which is a peacock slightly behind her,
Her love language is gift giving and receiving gifts.
When you get mad about blessings, this one is the culprit. This one be receiving all the blessings at all your downfalls. This is the one that I've been warning you about. Sometimes it seems as though all those stories are just blessings in disguise... what an animal.
She presides over these marriages. If she's present at marriage she can object to that marriage. The peacock is her partner in going to these marraiges. The peacock is representative of love and helps guide her in these affairs. It helps people from wasting their time, their money, and their love, and getting a divorce. Marriage should be thought of as sacred. If there was a divorce, that couple didn't really value or hold true to the vows they made on the marriage day.
Juno is about tantric sex practices as well.
Islam for Eve R, For Eve R!
From Asteroid Goddesses by Demetra George & Douglas Bloch
Juno in Virgo ♍ people desire to achieve perfection in the relationship. A willingness of the partner to engage in analyzing day-to-day functioning and adjusting daily habit patterns contributes to the sense of a working relationship. This individual may become overly critical, faultfinding, and compulsive when his or her partner is unwilling to make these adjustments.
Juno in Capricorn ♑ people seek depth and the assurance of long-term commitment in their relationship, and therefore may need the security of traditionally legally sanctioned forms. These individuals may attempt to control their partners and demand obedience or withdraw emotionally if their need for respect and stability is threatened.
Juno in Aquarius ♒ persons require the freedom to be an individual and have a life apart from the relationship. These individuals need to have the opportunity to experiment with new relationship forms such as open marriage or role reversals. When the Juno in Aquarius partners are denied their freedom, they may engage in non-committal, unreliable, or erratic behavior.
Juno in Pisces ♓ people desire to realize their highest ideals through their relationship. Complete faith, commitment, and reverence toward/from their partner is what gives meaning and value. Disillusionment, withdrawal, escapism into fantasy and self-deception, martyrdom and victimization result when these idealistic expectations are not met.