Cancer Fixed Stars


Propus - 3° Cancer

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Mirzam - 7° Cancer

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Alhena - 9° Cancer

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Alzirr- 11° Cancer

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Dziban - 13° Cancer

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Sirius - 14° Cancer
The dog asteroid.  They understand your feelings, but not your wordsAlso relevant to Sirius XM.  A Satanic asteroid, in a way.  Sirius XM have brainwashed Satanic messages, if you know how to listen and pull out that serpent.. and maybe blog about it. 😉 I found this guy on Instagram...  ... I'll make a post about it eventually.  This is about Satellite radio.  It seems like you have to pay a subscription fee for it.  Unless you're this guy Mark who gets it for free in his Toyota Corolla.  That's what he said anyway.  He was amazed that they give it to him, talk radio day in and day out, for free.  He told me about it.  It might have been only like a six month thing or something, I'm not sure but anyway...... 

Sirius is the brightest and most brilliant star in the sky and is also known as Alpha Canis Majoris.  It is a special star that has long played an important part in our beliefs (brainwashed satanic ones included), rituals, and traditions around the globe.  Egyptian, Mayan and Celtic cultures see it as The Spiritual Sun.  Sirius marked the Egyptian new year and the star was identified and personified by the goddess Sopdet (Sothis in Greek), whose arrival marked the beginning of the seasonal flooding of the Nile.  Ancient sculptures were built to align with the star's rising in the morning sky.  Depictions of the star were used to decorate the ceiling of the Temple of Hathor, the Egyptian Goddess of the Sky.  Hathor, Isis and Sopdet are depicted with cow-ears and horns some sometimes shown with the Sirius star placed between their horns.  

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Canopus - 14° Cancer
The second brightest star in the constellation of Carina with a magnitude of -0.86. 
A seaport in Ancient Egypt, near the mouth of the Nile.

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Wasat - 18° Cancer

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Castor - 20° Cancer
Considered the twin of Pollux, has a magnitude of 1.5.  

A protector from diseases.  

Perhaps black castor oil.  This oil cures any itchy scalp problems.  And that's the truth.  It also has a natural 

A beaver and the sexual glands of a beaver containing a strong smelling, oily substance used as a scent in trapping and in making perfumes.  A hat of a beaver or rabbit fur.  A beaver is pictured on the Canadian nickle/5 cent piece.

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Gameisa - 22° Cancer

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Pollux - 23° Cancer

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Procyon - 25° Cancer

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