
Asteroid Number 30194
Discovered April 7, 2000 by the Lincoln Laboratory Near-Earth Asteroid Research Team at Socorro.

Liam Hayden Young (b. 2000) is a finalist in the 2014 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students, for his environmental sciences project. He attends the Classical Academy, Colorado Springs, Colorado.

>>My post about Liamyoung<<

Liamyoung that means he just can't escape the fact that he's  not quite a child, but he's not quite wise enough to know any better when he thinks he's anything less than a man.  When a man tries to be a woman is when he doesn't make sense. 

When a woman tries to be a man is 

Women don't try to be men.  

I made the sigil for Liam Young on 11/10/24.

That's why men who attack women  are not women themselves.  women are never protected.  men are never protected either.