Divine Collection
These ones are particularly from the book Asteroid Goddesses, see Information and Disclaimer for more information.
I have added several (noted with an asterisk* after their names) that are specifically for transmutation purposes. These are for use with the Anti-Mother energy to transform, in a sense, her harsh aspects that we all kind of know of somewhere in our psyche. Some of these overlap with the book Asteroid Goddesses and even if so, they are still noted with an asterisk* aster their names. Please see this page for more details on the anti-mother.
I originally named this Goddesses Collection since it was in The Feminine and from the book Asteroid Goddesses, but since Masculine is also included in here (for example, Eros and Toro) I have updated the name to the Divine Collection.
Devine is actually a whole separate asteroid.
And a very sacred word at that.
Click here for information on achieving help connecting to the divine.