Asteroid Number 11207
Discovered March 20, 1999 by the Lincoln Laboratory Near-Earth Asteroid Research Team at Socorro.
Maribeth Joanne Black (b. 1984) is a finalist in the 2002 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her microbiology project. She attends the Hedgesville High School, Falling Waters, West Virginia, U.S.A.
The color black is hex code #000000.
In a video on tik-tok, Michael Ford explains that black magic is magic using unseen power or forces. Link to that video coming soon.
Per Team Rocket: "Are you scared of psychics that use unseen power?"
Buddhism: "You're only scared of the unknown."
Metallica has a song called Fade to Black and also Blackened.
In Astrology, the 12th house has to do with the unseen. I've heard the twelfth house be referred to as the house of hidden enemies and difficulties. I like to think of that as the house of spirituality. Notice, diffiCULTies. Strange, now isn't it?