Asteroid Number 2340
Discovered October 22, 1976 by C. Kowal in Palomar Obs.
>> Hathor of Little Egypt <<
A mother Goddess in Ancient Egypt. Either the wife of Horus or of Thoth.
Michael Ford likens her with Isis as his Isis placement is 12° Cancer.
In Latin, Hathor literally translates to the estate or the house of Horus.
I drew the sigil for Hathor.
This seems to be the estate of Horus, which is intelligence and receptivity. This is an account of what is such. In the intelligence portion, we have and examine the Bill of Rights.
This seems to be missing the 10th Amendment, which limits this, that, or the other, and gives states sovernty rights. Only states here went to a marriage before a funeral.
She's so lucky, she's a star, but she cry cry cries in her lonely heart thinking, if there's nothing missing in my life than why do these tears come at night.
Termination of parental rights means the right to raise your children without the intervention of the government.
As a parent you have the right to raise your children the way you want without the blah blah blah.. "Children are not property"
"Children are not property"
-Some Black Chick Teaching Us Property Law
she also taught family law