Builds houses and high towers. Destroys enemy's thoughts and desires and all they have built. Gives good familiars.
Can collapse or destroy the legacy of enemies. Satan's right hand man.
A bit of a trickster, can disguise himself as this or that and accept the sacrifices as another and never follow through with the conditions or promises made in exchange for that prestige or honor. In effect, this collapses the legacy of the shit bag that the sacrifice was being made to.
I'd rather be sacrificed to Satan.
Can play dead and effectively guide one in occult writings preventing the downfall of Satan himself. He plays dead, and when Satan is inevitably looking for something dead to fuck because he thinks they're fun to fuck when they're dead, he gets bound to paper. It's like a possum sometimes. It's like it has taken on the characteristics of a possum or somehow learned from a possum how to play dead. Playing dead is about the capacity for self-protection and survival for a possum. It's an instinctual reaction to a dangerous world, so predators won't fuck with it. They play dead and are the only Marsupials that are native to the United States of America. Dogs play dead too, but they need a skilled trainer to teach them the tricks of the trade, etc.
The thirty-ninth spirit named in the Goetia. Malphas is a demon connected with the builder's craft. He is said to erect houses and high towers upon command. He quickly brings artificers together, and he can also strike out at the towers and edifices of an enemy, tearing these down. He is said to give good familiars. When he manifests, he first takes the form of a crow. When he puts on a human shape, he nevertheless retains the rasping voice of this bird. According to both the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum of Wierus and Scot's Discoverie of Witchcraft, he holds the rank of president and rules over forty legions. He is further said to willingly accept sacrifices but to deveive all those who make sacrifices unto him. The Goetia of Dr. Rudd has a slightly different entry on this demon. The spelling of his name remains the same, but instead of destroying the towers of the enemies, he is said to have the power to destroy an enemy's thoughts, desires, and works. This text further states that Malphas can be constrained in the name of the angel Rehael. The Welsh Book of Incantations identifies him as both a builder of towers and a destroyer of minds. In that text, he is assigned the rank of president and governs 110 legions. The Welsh text warns against making any offerings to this demon: if he is given any kind of sacrifice, he will become deceptive. See also BOOK OF INCANTATIONS, GOETIA, RUDD, SCOT, WIERUS.