Sacred Words

A short and universal list of Sacred Words can be found here.
These ones particularly, although their application is not limited to, apply to Egypt.
See also, Little Egypt.

Allah and the Qur'an warn to pay attention to the signs.

If there's ever a problem with eleven jealous suns working against the favorite sun, the favorite source of illumination, this is you starting point:

Ideal/IdealSagess/Wisdom - ♈︎
I am

Eclaircissement/EnlightenmentPassion/Passion - ♉︎
I have

Discussion/DiscussionInstabilite/Instability - ♊︎
I think

Revelation/RevelationManiere D'Etre/Behaviour - ♋︎
I feel

Voyage/TravelBiens Ruraux/County Property - ♌︎
I will

Secrets/SecretsVerites/Truths - ♍︎
I analyze - I look at something deeper to discover what that really is.

Appui/SupportProtection/Protection - ♎︎
I balance - I figure out what is missing on one side and in surplus on another.

Tenacite/TenacityProgres/Progress - ♏︎ - Lady Consultant, Consultante
I transform - I recognize when there is stagnant energy and create something usable instead.

Justice/JusticeLegislateur/Law Maker - ♐︎
I see

Temperance/TemperanceConvictions/Convictions - ♑︎  
I use

Force/StrengthPouvoir/Power - ♒︎
I know

Prudence/Prudence; Popularite/Popularity - ♓︎
I believe

  ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦

13.  Mariage/Marriage; Liaison/Love Affair

14.  Violence/Violence;  Faiblesse/Weakness

15.  Chagrins/Sorry; Maladie/Illness

16.  Opinion/Opinion; Arbitrage/Arbitration
Rocco's modern life.  Will tear your family apart.  

17.  Deces/Death;  Incapacite/Incapacity

18.  Trahison/Betrayal;  Faussete/Falsehood

19.  Misere/Poverty;  Prison/Prison

20.  Fortune/Fortune; Augmentation/Increase

21.  Proces/Law-Suit;  Litige/Legal Dispute - 

22.  Probite/Probity;  Indulgence/Indulgence - King, Roi

23.   Vertu/Virtue;  Devouement/Devotion - Queen, Dame

24.   Changement/Change;  Separation/Separation - Knight, Cavalier
Don't forget kids, Change is Good.  

25.   Originalite/Originality;  Nouvelles/News - Jack, Valet

26Mensonge/Lies;  Obstacle/Obstacle

27.  Retard/Delay;  Infortunate/Misfortune

28.  Rejouissances/Rejoicing;  Repentir/Repentance

29.  Pourparlers/Negotiations;  Indecision/Indecision

30.  Domestiques/Servants;  Attente/Expectation

31.  Opulence/Opulance;  Proces/Court-Case

32.  Contract/Contract (Agreement);  Prosperite/Prosperity

33.  Entreprises/Enterprises;  Fin De Tracas/End of Worries

34.  Chagrins/Sorrow;  Surprises/Surprises

35.  Naissance/Birth;  Faillite/Bankruptcy

36.  Probite/Probity;  Malhonnetete/Dishonesty - King, Roi

37.  Femme Irreprochable/A Woman Above Reproach;  Femme Corrumpue/Dissolute Woman - Queen, Dame

38.  Arrivee/Arrival;  Trocherie/Cheating - Knight, Cavalier

39.  Garcon Studieux/Studious Boy;  Affection/Affection - Jack, Valet

40.  Domicile/Home;  Colere/Anger

41.  Succes/Success; Reussite Commerviale/Business Success

42.  Fille Sincere/Sincere Girl;  Bonheur/Happiness

43.  Idees/Ideas;  Project/Plans

44.  Le Passe/The Past;  L'Avenir/The Future

45.  Heritage/Inheritance;  Parent/Relative

46.  Ennuis/Boredom;  Revers/Misfortune

47.  Soulagement/Relief;  Travail Courant/Every Day Work

48.  Amour/Love;  Desir/Desire

49.  Reception/Party;  Changement/Change

50.  Homme de Robe/Man of Law;  Homme Mechant/Wicked Man - King


*The Trumps as highlighted in this color designate people, personal relationships and characters.