Asteroid Number 42
Discovered May 23, 1856 by Norman Robert Pogson
>> Isis of Little Egypt <<
>>Teacher Isis of Little Egypt<<
Isis Transpluto
Lorde of Magick and Feminine Appeal
Isis is the Egyptian goddess of magic and motherhood. Sister of Set, Osiris, Horus Elder, and Nephthys. Wife of Osiris.
Isis is a wise woman, with more rebellion in her heart than that of one-million men.
Mother of Horus Junior. She represents all that is lively in Egypt.
In the polytheistic worship of the Egyptians, Isis is perhaps the most obvious embodiment of the witch archetype. Representing rebirth and magic, she is the mother goddess, capable of resurrecting the dead and granting new life.
So the energy or prototype of Isis is The High Priestess. That means she is the keeper of and knows of secret occult and esoteric knowledge. Nephthys is the downfall of Osiris. Seemingly, Isis and Nephthys are different aspects of the same goddess, Nephthys being the dark aspect. So the myth goes, Nephthys tricked Osiris into being intimate with her by posing as Isis. My theory is, Osiris thought he was opening up to his wife that would keep all of his secrets and thus, it was Nephthys. Different but not the same.
I created the sigil (to the left) the drama to the right is about "ISIS" the "Islamic State" and is from The CBC.
This Seth, her brother, kills her lover/husband Osiris then she retreats to have Horus (junior, there's a horus elder and horus junior) while Nephthys, Seth's wife, helps hide her or something. "protecting the moon"?
Nephthys protects the head and Isis protects the feet. "Put her on foot patrol?" Until she retreats Al-Luda.
There's another "minor" Isis asteroid, #h48. I don't know much, yet about the difference but I am in the process of "checking it out."
The Book of the Dead tells a story of Isis where she fashioned a venomous serpent that bites Ra. Laying on his dead bed and Isis finds him, half dead. All she needed was the three names he goes by in order to heal him. She promises to only share this information with her son, Horus. Ra shared the following information: "I am Khepri in the morning, Ra at noon, Atum who is in the dusk." He was alas after some other consideration cured and lived on. See this for more about this Chapter in the Book of the Dead.
To do Footwork is to connect something. It's like installing power lines so there's power able to be ran to different parts of the nation. Or laying pipe so there's an effective supply of water to different areas.