Someone said this little nigga is a Cherub ... I've posted a screenshot with a link back to the source of that one.  

But anyway, once I was mistaken for a Cherub I made sure to capitalize on this here mistake.  Now I have created a gang of 38 full color Lucifer cherubs.  It says by Carol Belanger Grafton.  I could only imagine that this idea of Cherubs came from the Occult Tarot x Belanger Dictionary of Demons entry on Lucifer.   Also, the Anger stage of the phases of death and dying is a serious real phase that you have to get through to heal your Psyche.  It was only here that I found the top secrets of the Occult such as the demons of death and the demons of destruction as it applies to Apophis and that Seth is Beelzebub.  And that Beelzebub is always a supplanter and has been made to be the most powerful God by this French man CharlesHe's always been a black man! 

However, this issue predates the Cherub issue or even, perhaps, the Occult Tarot itself.  Please see Lucifer Asteroid.

I have said since the beginning of time that on the Lovers card the "angel" behind them is Lucifer, the light bearer.  In Michael Ford's book on the Serpent Path he writes how Lucifer can be Diana or Artemis, clearly two different other asteroids.  

In Tarot in Darkness, Lucifer is the Devil.   This one chick advised everyone clearly to be careful which devil you dance with.  Another chick advised the devil clearly that the devil is different depending on which tarot set you are in.  Once I find the first chick I will put a link to her profile.  

Lucifer has come to be one of the most recognizable names for the Devil.  He is depicted variously as Satan, the Serpent in Genesis, and the Dragon in Revelation.  The name Lucifer itself is derived from a passage in Isaiah 14:12, translated in the King James Version of the Bible to read:  How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!  how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!  The word translated here as Lucifer is the Hebrew helal, meaning "morning star."  The word Lucifer itself comes from the Latin Vulgate version of the bible.  In Latin, Lucifer means "light-bearer."  At the time that the Latin Vulgate version of the Bible was being translated, the word Lucifer referred specifically to the planet Venus in its capacity as the morning star.  Saint Jerome, the translator of this passage, was not in error when he parsed the Hebrew helal for the Latin Lucifer, as both words refer directly to an astrological phenomenon, not an individual.  Later readings of the passage, however, interpreted Lucifer as a proper name.  Notably, most modern biblical scholars assert that this in Isaiah referenced not the fall of an angel, but the fall of the king of Babylon.  A few lines earlier, in Isaiah 14: 4, the portion of the text that includes the reference to the fallen morning star is introduced as an extensive taunt to be taken up against the King of Babylon.  A few lines earlier, in Isaiah referenced not the fall of an angel, but the fall of the king of Babylon.  Despite this, early Church fathers took Isaiah 14:12 as a direct reference to Satan, connecting it with Luke 10:18, where Jesus declares "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven."  The only real connection between these two passages, at least linguistically, is the reference to a fall.  Saint Paul helps enable the association between Satan and the Light Bearer with his passage in 2 Corinthians 11:14 that says, ". . . even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light."  Through these three passages, plus the story in Revelation where the Devil is cast out of Heaven, a rich mythic history about Lucifer has evolved.  

This mythos is based more on material written about the Bible than upon the biblical passages themselves, but this has done nothing to dampen its allure.  According to this mythic history, Lucifer was once the foremost angel in Heaven, second only to God himself.  He was known as the Light Bearer and the Morning Star, and he was the most beautiful of all the angels in the Heavenly Host.  His sin, however, was pride, and eventually this led him to rebel against his creator.  There was a war in Heaven, and Michael the Archangel led the troops of the LORD against the rebels.  Lucifer was vanquished, and cast out of Heaven.  Following the story recorded in Revelation, a third of the angels fell with him.  Drawing upon material from the lost Book of Enoch as well as further material from the Book of Revelation, Lucifer was then cast into the Abyss.  Here he was bound until the final Judgment, but his war with Heaven was far from over.  From his new place in Hell, Lucifer is believed to lash out at the mortal world, seeking to torture and torment humanity, with the ultimate goal of acquiring human souls in order to keep them from God.  In this ongoing war with Heaven and humanity, Lucifer bears much in common with the figure Belial.  This demon appears in certain fragments of the Dead Sea Scrolls.  In the mythology of the Essences, Belial was deeply embroiled in a war between the Sons of Darkness and the Sons of Light.  In the Qumran fragment known as the Visions of Amran, Belial is given the title "Prince of Darkness," a title often later accorded to Lucifer.  According to the Visions of Amran, Belial leads the forces of darkness against the angel Michael, who heads the armies of the Light.  Another name given to this "Prince of Darkness" in these texts is Malchiresha.  Although the manuscripts at Qumran were lost for the many centuries, the influence of the Essene eschatology is clear in the lingering mythos that surrounds Lucifer.  

Interestingly, among certain sections of Gnostic Christians, Lucifer was not seen as evil at all, but instead was depicted as the first-born son of God who sought to save humanity with the gift of knowledge.  In Mathers's translation of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage, Lucifer is identified as one of the four principal spirits, ranked alongside Leviathan, Satan, and Belial.  He is invoked several times in the Munich Handbook.  In the True Keys of Solomon, Lucifer is one of three demons said to command all others.  In this text, Lucifer rules over all the demons who inhabit Europe and Asia.  In later legends focusing on the demon Lilith, Lucifer is often presented as her unholy consort.

The seventeenth-centruy Venetian grimoire Clavicula Salomonis de Secretis (Secrets of Soloman) confirms Lucifer as Emporer of Hell, who has charge of all spirits in Europe and Asia.  In this text, when Lucifer manifests, he takes the form of a beautiful boy whose eyes flash red when he's angered.  His name and sigil are used in a spell to bring snow.  An "earthly" demon, he is not limited to mere visions but can also take physical form.  In the French ivre des esperitz, Lucifer governs the west, directly overseeing King Paimon.  His name appears in the Book of Overon under several variant spellings, including Lucipher and Lucypher.  In that grimoire, he is called the father of all devils, but it is not possible to summon Lucifer himself, as he is bound in the depths of Hell.  Rather, his name is invoked to keep all the other demons in line.  In this, the Book of Oberon compares him to Tantavalerion.  See also BELIAL, LEVIATHAN, LILITH, MALCHIRESHA, MUNICH HANDBOOK, SATAN, TANTAVALERION, TRUE KEYS.

In various places in the Belanger text, the name Lucifer was not capitalized, meaning supposedly he doesn't have certain rights?? Not sure... to be discussed.  It's only in Latin that there's not a capitalization.  

They don't consider him a person.