Black Moon Lilith

The Dark Moon
The shadow, dark dreams, secrets, repressed energies surfacing.

Repressed Sexual Desires

When you make a point at the beginning of your sex ritual to dedicate that ritual (whether it be masturbation or with a partner,) to Lilith you become Lilith.  After the sex ritual is completed, it is added to the Lilith consciousness or Lilith Complete.

Okay so apparently this Black Moon Lilith is a hypothetical something.  Like it never happened before.  That's why she's about mystery.  My example here is when I was 14 yrs old I was in foster care, and I had this foster mother named Sue and I wrote a letter to the Devil, or rather wrote a letter purposefully to the Devil, no I didn't know if they would piece that letter together, but I tested them to see if they would.... I wrote the letter and tore the letter up into a million pieces and put that in my garbage can in my bedroom.  Anyway later Susan approaches me, at 14-yrs old, a foster child, and starts trying to scare me about the devil and my devil worshipping ways.  Anyway, long story short she didn't know that I did that purposefully (wrote the letter to test her if she would piece it together.) However, she did, and I told my social worker that I was miserable at the foster home that I was at and if he didn't move me to another foster home, I would run away until I was 18 meaning until they didn't have jurisdiction over me.  In other words, either stop saying that is a big fat ass or stop losing your ass.  

Anyway flash forward to today's ritualistic sacrifice, statueworkshop from Amazon, I told him I was not happy in whatever account he had me in.  He did not want to move me, because he wanted to keep taking advantage of me.  So I left home with myself and my wallet (which strangely pictures a great dane - Betty Bop - who is going to protect the prostitutes?)  until he didn't have jurisdiction of me.  I am happier than if I would have stayed and endured a psychic attack.  That's what happens when a vulnerable woman is vulnerable.

Oh, statueworkshop, I'm just kidding, that's all I know.

Now flash forward to today, a three-day warning is one hell of a something.  Messages how do I interpret someones messages?  Did you get a copy of the actual message?  If you didn't get a copy of the actual message it seems like what he is most scared of is you getting a copy of the actual message.

I thought everything that you had was mine? That's what you told me.

I have found many things about Black Moon Lilith.
First and foremost, in the emotional, mental wellness if you get ruined or hurt or anything else that way, you need the moon in order to repair yourself.

If they demolish your whole tower but you have a ground to stand on still,
all you need is the truth, the Saturn associated with... just look at the symbols.
Saturn will always find find you attractive. 

If there's not a demon, are these really legitimate?

In Slang Terms,
'BML' is Baby Momma Lilith.  
Please see Libra Sun for more Information on this.

The essence of this, that, or another seems to be sexual liberation without head trauma.

The male, I have learned, has a light inside of him.  I'm not sure if he swallowed the sun whole, if he has a conscience, or if he stole my lighter.