
Asteroid Number 793
Discovered  April 9, 1907 by Lowell, P. at Flagstaff (LO)

So long story short, where this Asteroid is placed in one's chart shows the enemy of the Buddhist mind, or in a more colorful term, the enemy of the Buddhist MINE.  

The Buddhist Mine
We all know that Quality Time is a love language.  So, that's why the enemy of the Buddhist Mine says no thank you! to difficult times.

Choose Love today! 

Anyway, long story short, I think anyhow that Fall is definitely associated with the water element.  That's what the internet told me anyway.  I need to find my Book of Specifics...

The Book of Specifics
Knows all things.  

The only tarot book you'll ever need.

Definitely the enemy of the Buddhist Mine....

They look Amish but they're probably Men-in-Knights...

Things that confuse you....

THIS is about Hannah Montana a piece of pop culture.
He wanted to corner me when I got home and eat my ass.  I am embarrassed of this one.  I wouldn't tell anyone about his fantasies.

THIS is the one that wanted to corner and fuck me when I got home and didn't have another woman to protect me anymore.

"we gotta make sure that man doesn't get what he wants..."-An unknown female