Asteroid Number
Discovered February 2, 2000 by the Lincoln Laboratory Near-Earth Asteroid Research Team at Socorro.
Jasmine Samaiya Roberts (b. 1993) was awarded second place in the 2011 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her medicine and health sciences project. She attends the Paul R. Wharton High School, Tampa, Florida, U.S.A.
🎶... I'm a man without a contribution... I'm a man who doesn't know! 😄...🎶
🎶...I'm a man who plays real stupid...🎶
🎶...I'm a man who doesn't want you to know...🎶
Jasmine is from Disney. That's all I have today.
Plain and simple, there was an emperor that won the lottery... as a matter of fact, this font is named Lato, and he invested all his wealth into one asset: Jasmine Rice because he got the Jasmine Rice at such a cheap, low price, and thought he could really make a killing off of this Jasmine Rice. Anyway, long story short this emperor goes bankrupt because that Jasmine Rice went bad too quickly...
This Emperor even made his own currency which exists somewhere in the world, still today.
I thought this one was Mulatto
A pop/rap singer/star