Asteroid Number 13852
Discovered December 7, 1999 by the Lincoln Laboratory Near-Earth Asteroid Research Team at Socorro.
Named in honor of Ralph Ford for mentoring a finalist in the 2001 Discovery Young Scientist Challenge (DYSC), a middle school science competition. Ford is a teacher at the Manhattan Beach Middle School, Manhattan Beach, California.
Well we're not too sure yet. This one seems to have always been a mystery to the human eye. However newer Fords you always need special tools to work on that's why everyone is so scared of them. Anyway I like getting everything back on a Monday, I like blah blah blah on a Tuesday and I like all the rest besides the close function to the forbidden one.
(216) 696 KIDS
I like cheating on Friday. And I like initiating on a Thursday. So what's there to lose besides loss itself? A ford is a ford, a chevy is a chevy and I'm glad ol Mr. Boyd crashed the Chevy. Don't go to a group home like Mr. Boyd, be glad you scored a 3 and not a 4.
The competition of Ford is always Chevy and that's all I fucking know. On Chevy Blvd. lives a John, a Jennifer, a Frank (this isn't a star, he doesn't get money), a visitor named April and there's even a damn BMV to replace that ID that you misplaced. But that's all I know.