Demons of Death and of Destruction
A demon associated with the element of fire. He serves in the hierarchy of the infernal king Jamaz, who holds sway over that element. As a demon of fire, Atranrbiabil is reportedly hot-headed, with a quick and energetic nature and a complexion like flame. He has power over death and decay. He can kill with a word, and raise an army of one-thousand soldiers -- presumably from the grave. If something has decayed, he can reverse the effects, restoring it to its original state. He can also prevent decay entirely. Atranrbiabil appears in Daniel Driscoll's 1977 edition of the Sworn Book, where it is said that he can be enticed to make an appearance if an individual burns the proper perfumes. no clear pronunciation of this demon's rather complicated name is provided by the text. See also JAMAZ, SWORN BOOK.
In the Driscoll edition of the Sworn Book of Honourius, Carnax is a minister of the demon king Jamaz. Through Jamax, he is connected with the element fire and thus Carnax has a complexion like flame. He is energetic, quick, and strong with a temperament best described as hot and impetuous. He has the power to cause death, but he can also stave off decay. Additionally, he can restore that which has decated to its original state. Heh as familiars in the form of soldiers, and he can also raise an army of one-thousand soldiers for whatever use is deemed fit. he is likely a variation upon the demon Carmox. See also CARMOX, JAMAZ, SWORN BOOK.
According to the 1977 Driscoll translation of the Sworn Book, Carnical is a demon in serve to Jamaz, the infernal king of fire. As a demon tied to this element, Carnical has a complexion that resembles flame. He is also said to possess a nature that is hot and hasty as well as energetic and quick. He has power over the process of decay, and can reverse its effects or stave it off entirely. He can cause death with but a word and raise an army of one-thousand soldiers, possibly from the grave. Compare Carnical to the demon Carmehal in Peterson edition of the Sworn Book. See also CARMEHAL, JAMAZ, SWORN BOOK.
In the Driscoll edition of the Sworn Book, Jamaz is identified as the infernal king of the element of fire. As a fire demon, Jamaz is said to be hot-headed and impulsive. He is also energetic and strong, and he can be generous to those he favors. His complexion is like fire, and he wields power over death and decay. Consequently, he can either restore that which has already decayed or he can prevent decay in an item or object. He can cause death with but a word, and he can also raise an army of one-thousand soldiers. Driscol suggests that Jamaz accomplishes this by raising these soldiers from the grave. On top of all of this, he can give gamiliars. In keeping with his martial qualities, his familiars have a tendency to have the likeness of soldiers. See also SWORN BOOK.
A fallen angel named in the Book of Enoch, Kasdeja was one of the Watcher Angels charged to oversee the well-being of mankind. When he broke his trust with Heaven, he is said to have revealed some of the most controversial forbidden knowledge to humanity. First and formost, Kasdeja taught methods of abortion, described as "smitings of the infant in the womb." He also taught the smitings of spirits and demons, spells for "the smitings of the soul" by snakebite, and even spells for sunstroke. See also WATCHER ANGELS.
A demon with the power to raise an army of one thousand soldiers. Minal appears in the Driscoll translation of the Sworn Book, where he is identified as a minister of the demon Jamaz, infernal king of the element of fire. As a creature of fire, Minal manifests with a complexion that resembles living flame. By nature, he is hot and impetuous, but he also possesses great strength and generosity. He can cause death instantly, but he can also prevent and completely reverse the effects of decay. See also JAMAZ, SWORN BOOK.
A minister of Iammax, the king of the spirits of the planet of Mars. Pasfran appears in the Joseph Peterson translation of the Sworn Book of Honorius. In this text, he is said to be governed by the angels Samahel, Satihel, Ylurahihel, and Amabiel, who rule over the sphere of Mars. Pasfran has the power to sow hate and anger among mortals, stirring up warfare and inciting murder. His region is the south, where he manifests, his skin is fiery like burning embers. This demon also appears in Driscoll translation of the Sworn Book, but there are differences between the two texts. In the Driscoll edition, Pasfran serves as a minister in the hierarchy of the infernal king Jamaz. He is a demon of the element fire and has a result has a hot-headed nature. He has power over death and decay. He can kill with a word, and he can completely reverse the effects of decay. According to Driscoll, he can also raise an army of one thousand soldiers from the dead. In addition to all of this, he is supposedly able to confer familiar spirits, and all of the familiars bestowed by hium have the semblance of soldiers. See also IAMMAX, JAMAZ, SWORN BOOK.
A demon associated with the element of fire, Pathophas has the power to stave off decay, reversing its progress or stopping it completely. He can also kill with a word. According to the Driscoll translation of the Sworn Book, he will appear when enticed by the proper offering of incense and perfume. He serves in the court of the infernal king Jamaz, who rules over both the element of fire and the direction of south. Pathophas is a hot and hasty demon with an energetic nature, and he has a complexion that resembles the fiery element of his heirarchy. He can raise an army of one-thousand soldiers a ta single command, and he provides familiar spirits in the form of soldiers. His name is likely a variation on that of the demon Proathophas. See also JAMAZ, PROATHOPHAS, SWORN BOOK.
A demon whose name appears in the Driscoll edition of the Sworn Book. Yconaababur is said to serve the infernal king Jamaz, the ruler of the element of fire. He is also connected with the direction south. As a demon of fire, Yconaababur has a nature that is both hot and hasty. He is described as being energetic, generous, and strong. He will manifest if enticed with the proper perfumes, and when he appears he has a complexion like fire. He is said to have power over decay, either staving it off entirely or reversing its effects. he can also provide familiar spirits that appear in the likeness of soldiers. Additionally, he is said to be able to raise an army of one thousand soldiers. Translator Driscoll suggests that he has the power to call these up from the dead. Finally, Yconaababurr is also reputed to hbe able to cause death at will. See also JAMAZ, SWORN BOOK.
A minister of the infernal king Jamaz, who reigns over the element of fire. According to Driscoll's edition of the Sworn Book, Ythaniel is a hot-headed, impetuous demon with a complexion like a living flame. Ijn addition, he is energetic, strong, and disposed to act generously toward others. He can reverse or prevent decay, and he can cause death at will. He is reputed to be able to raise an army of one-thousand soliers. He also provides familiars. All of these spirits have the appearance of soldiers as well. See also JAMAZ, SWORN BOOK.
In the Book of Job and in the Proverbs, Abaddon is mentioned as a place of destruction, possibly equivalent in concept with the modern notion of Hell. However, in Revelation 9:11, Abaddon is no longer the Abyss itself but is instead personified as the angel in charge of that Abyss. The name is translated in Greek to Apollyon, meaning "The Destroyer." Both Abaddon and Apollyon were integrated into deomonology as powerful princes of Hell. In Francis Barrett's The Magus, Abaddon is associated with the seventh mansion of the furies, and he is said to govern destruction and wasting, Gustav Davidson, in his classic Dictionary of Angels, describes Abaddon as the "angel of the Abyss." In Crowley's edition of the Goetia, Abaddon is again mentioned, not as a being, but as a place in a binding. He appears in a hierarchy of evil spirits laid out in the Janua Magica Reserata where he is identified as prince of the Seventh Order. This order is otherwise known as the Furies, suggesting that Barrett had access to either this text or something related. See also APPOLLYON, GOETIA, JANUA MAGICA RESERATA.
Appearing in the Grimorium Verum, this demon will destroy the enemies of the magician upon command. He also has power to over travel and can instantly transport the magician to a location of his choosing. His name is likely another variation on the magical word AGLA.
A servant of the princes Oriens, Paimon, Ariton, and Amaimon, Apolhun is mentioned in the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage. In his translation of the work, Mathers points out the similarity between this demon's name and that of Apollyon, a fallen angel mentioned in the Book of Revelation. Because of the similarities, Mathers suggests that the name of this demon means "The Destroyer." See also AMAIMON, APOLLYON, ARITON, MATHERS, OEIENS, PAIMON.
A servent of the demon Iammax, infernal kind of the spirits of Mars. Atraurbiabilis appears in the Peterson translation of the Sworn Book of Honorius. According to this text, Atraurbiabilis has the power to sow destruction, murder, and warfare. When he manifests, he is small and lean with a color that resembles live coals. This demon is one of five under the rule of Iammax who are described as being subject to the easy wind in addition to their affiliation with the south. The angels Samahel, Sat1ihel, Ylurahihel, and Amabiel hold sway over this demon. Compare to Atranrbiabil, named iun the Driscoll translation of the Sworn Book. See also ATRANRBIABIL, IAMMAX, SWORN BOOK.
A great and powerful duke said to rule over a total of twenty-six legions of infernal spirits. He is one of the seventy-two Goetic dmeons. According to Wierus's Pseudomonarchia Daemonum, he has three heads: that of a serpent, a man, and a cat. He comes riding a ciper, and he carris a flaming brand in one hand. Aym is said to make people witty and to answer truthfully about private matters. With his flaming brnad, he is said also to burn cities and towers. He is alternatively known as Harborym. In Scot's Discoverie of Witcraft, this secondary name is spelled Harborim. In the Goetia, his name is spelled Aim, and his human face is descriubed as having two stars upon its head. The Goetia of Dr. Rudd says that he can be constrained in the name of the angel Melahel. See also GOETIA, RUDD, SCOT, WIERUS.
One of the several demons whose names appear in the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage. According to this text, Burasen is a servant of the infernal king Amaimon. Mathers suggests that the name is derived from Hebrew roots. The reading he offers is strange and complex: he takes this name to mean "destroyers by stifling, smoky breath." In the 1725 Peter Hammer edition of the Abramelin material, the name of this demon is rendered Bumaham. It appears with the same spelling in the version kept at the Dresden library as well. See also AMAIMON, MATHERS.
In Wierus' Pseudomonarchia Daemonum, Flauros is said to appear in the form of a powerful leopard. He can assume a human form, but when he does, his demonic nature shows through his horrible face and burning eyes. He is said to hold the rank of duke with twenty legions of lesser spirits to carry out his commands. He can be a liar and a deceiver, although he can also be forced to destroy a person's enemies, striking them down with fire. If care is taken to make him answer truthfully, he can speak of the past, present and future, as well as divinity, Creation, and the Fall. According to Scot's Discoverie of Witchcraft, he can also be commanded to protect someone from temptations. Flauros also appears in the Goetia. In the Goetia of Dr. Rudd, he is said to govern either three or thirty-six legions of spirits. This test also renders his name as Haures. Elsewhere, it is Hauros. The angel Mehiel is said to have power to constrain this demon. See also GOETIA, RUDD, SCOT, WIERUS.
A servant of the demon Iammax, infernal king of the spirits of the planet Mars. According to the Peterson translation of the Sworn Book of Honorius, he is connected to the region of the south. His appearance is dry and lean, and he has power to incite destruction and warfare. This is one of five under the rule of Iammax who are described as being subject to the east wind. See also IAMMAX, SWORN BOOK.
A minister of the demon-king Abas, who rules the subterranean realms below the earth. Named in Driscoll's edition of the Sworn Book, Hyiciquiron is said to know the location and manner of precious metals. If properly appeased, he will provide both silver and gold directly from the bowels of the earth. He is described as possessing a rapacious nature, and he can pull down buildings and other structures but a whim - a probable reference to earthquakes. See also ABAS, SWORN BOOK.
In Mathers's translation of the Clavicula Salomonis, this name is connected with the amulet known as the Fifth Pentacle of the Moon. Iachadiel is described as an angel, but he is said to serve destruction and loss. He is also invoked to accomplish spells of necromancy. His status as a fallen angel seems fixed by the remark that he can also be called upon by the names Abdon and Dale is somewat unclear. Abdon is likely a corruption of the name Abaddon . As noted elsewhere, Abaddon is widely known as the Angel of the Abyss. See also ABADDON, MATHERS.
The Fifth Pentacle of the Moon
It serveth to have answers in sleep. Its Angel Iachadiel derveth unto destruction and loss, as well as unto destruction of enemies. Thou mayest also call upon him by Abdon and Dale against all Phantoms of the night, and to summon the souls of the departed from Hades.
The King of the spirits of the Mars, Iammex influences murder and warfare as well as death and the destruction of all earthly things. He is said to be goverened by the angels Samahel, Satihel, Ylurahthel, and Amabiel. He appears in the Peterson translation of the Sworn book of Honorius. He is affiliated with the region of the south. See also SWORN BOOK.
An infernal spirit of Mars. He serves as a minister to the demon iammax, the king of the spirits of Mars. According to the Peterson edition of the Sworn Book of Honorius, Innyhal wierlds power over death, destruction, warfare, and slaughter. This cheery fellow is one of give under the rule of Iammax described as subject to the east wind. The angels Samahel, Satihel, Ylurahihel, and Amabiel, who govern the sphere of Mars, hold power over this demon. See also IAMMAX, SWORN BOOK.
The thirty-ninth spirit named in the Goetia. Malphas is a demon connected with the builder's craft. He is said to erect houses and high towers upon command. He quickly brings artificers together, and he can also strike out at the towers and edifices of an enemy, tearing these down. He is said to give good familiars. When he manifests, he first takes the form of a crow. When he puts on a human shape, he nevertheless retains the rasping voice of this bird. According to both the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum of Wierus and Scot's Discoverie of Witchcraft, he holds the rank of president and rules over forty legions. He is further said to willingly accept sacrifices but to deveive all those who make sacrifices unto him. The Goetia of Dr. Rudd has a slightly different entry on this demon. The spelling of his name remains the same, but instead of destroying the towers of the enemies, he is said to have the power to destroy an enemy's thoughts, desires, and works. This text further states that Malphas can be constrained in the name of the angel Rehael. The Welsh Book of Incantations identifies him as both a builder of towers and a destroyer of minds. In that text, he is assigned the rank of president and governs 110 legions. The Welsh text warns against making any offerings to this demon: if he is given any kind of sacrifice, he will become deceptive. See also BOOK OF INCANTATIONS, GOETIA, RUDD, SCOT, WIERUS.
This demon is known as "the Black One Who Calls the Void," a title that makes him particularly suited for magick of the darkest sort. Mayrion appears in the Liber de Angelis, where he is named in a vicious spell of vengeance. When properly invoked, he has the power to utterly destroy a person's enemies. He is invoked using an image of lead or iron. he is connected with the planets Saturn and Mars. See also LIBER DE ANGELIS.
A prince of the air named in Francis Barrett's The Magus. According to the text, Meririm is a boiling spirit connected with the regions of the south. Occultist Barrett connects him to the four angels in the Book of Revelation who vision destruction upon earth. In the grimoire known as Janua Magica Reserata, Meririm is also named as a prince of aerial powers. In this text, there is an order of demons in an infernal hierarchy that also includes the Revengers of Evil and the Spirits of Lies. The Aeriae Potestates stand at the sixth of nine orders in this hierarchy. See also BARRETT, JANUA MAGICA RESERATA.
"The destroyer of the day," at least according to occultist S. L. MacGregor Mathers. This demon is reputedly a servant of prince Ariton, one of four rulers of the cardinal directeions named in the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage. In other versions of the Abramelin material, this demon's name is rendered Nilion. See also ARITON, MATHERS.
A servant of the demon Iammax, infernal king of Mars. Proathophas brings death, destruction, war, and bloodshed. His manifest form has red skin that glows like a burning coal. His region is the south. His name appears in the Joseph Peterson translation of the Sworn Book of Honorius, where he is also said to be subject to the angels Samahel, Satihel, Ylurahihel, and Amabiel. This demon is one of five under the rule of Iammaz described as being subject to the east wind. Compare him to Pathophas, in the Driscoll translation of the Sworn Book. See also IAMMAX, PATHOPHAS.
A demon alternatively given as Raym in Wierus's Pseudomonarchia Daemonum and as Raim in Scot's Discoverie of Witchcraft. This demon reportedly manifests in the form of a crow. He can also take the shape of a man, and when he does so, he makes an excellent thief. Scot's Discoverie of Witchcraft says that he can steal wonderfully from the house of the king and transport his pilfered goods wherever he is instructed. He can confer dignities and reconcile both friends and foes. The Welsh Book of Incantations agrees on these points. Raum is the fortieth of seventy-two demons named in the Goetia. Like most of the demons named in this work, he is also knowledgeable about matters concerning the past, present, and future. He has the power to destroy whole cities, though his preferred method of destruction is left unnamed. He formerly belonged to the Order of Thrones and now holds the title of earl among the hierarchies of Hell. Thirty legions of infernal spirits follow his command. In the Goetia of Dr. Rudd, he is said to be constrained by the angel Jejazel. See also BOOK OF INCANTATIONS, GOETIA, RUDD, SCOT, WIERUS.
A demon connected with the planet Mars. His name is Latin for the "Red Fighter." In the Liber de Angelis, he is named as the king of demons connected with the sphere of Mars. He is summoned as part of the spell for creating the magickal Ring of Mars, a potent talisman that grants terrible power. The ring can be used to bring destruction down upon any chosen victim. See also LIBER DE ANGELIS.
A mighty demon who commands several spirits in his own right, Sergulath nevertheless serves under his own master, Nebiros. The second rank within Nebiros's hierarchy, Sergulath is a martial demon. According the Peterson's Grimorium Verum, when summoned he can reveal the perfect methods for destroying one's enemies. He also reveals all the arts and sciences of war. This demon's name also appears in the True Keys of Solomon under the spelling Sergulas. Here, he is associated with crafting and merchandise. See also GRIMORIUM VERUM, NEBIROS, TRUE KEYS.
The forty-fifth demon of the Goetia. According to both Wierus's Pseudomonarchia Daemonum and Scot's Discoverie of Witchcraft, he first manifests in the strange form of a lion riding upon a black horse and carrying a Viper in one hand. Vine is one of the only demons named in the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum with no legions of spirits attributed to his rule -- a detail that may be an ommission from an earlier source. Both the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum and Scot's Discoverie of Witchcraft agree that this demon is able to magickally build towers and to tear down walls of stone. He can also render waters rough and choppy, making them dangerous for ships. He answers questions concerning the past, present, and future as well as occult matters. He is also very knowledgeable on the subject of witches and will reveal all that he knows. Vine is ascribed the dual rank of king and earl. In the Goetia of Dr. Rudd, he has thirty-six legions of lesser spirits under his command. He excels at discovering the identity of witches. According to this text, the angel Sealiah has power over him. Variations of his name include Viné and Vinea. The Welsh Book of Incantations also states that he governs thirty-six legions. The text omits any mention of his powers concerning witches, possibly because the book was written by a cunning man--a profession many at the time equated with witch. See also BOOK OF INCANTATIONS, GOETIA, RUDD, SCOT, WIERUS.
A demon of war, death, and destruction. In the Sworn Book of Honorius as translated by Peterson, Ycanohl is a minister of the demon Iammas, king of the spirits of Mars. He has the power to incite unrest and bloodshed, when he manifests, he assumes a body that is blood-red and glows like a burning coal. He is constrained by the angels Samahel, Satihel, Ylurahihel, and Amabiel, who control the sphere of Mars. His region is the south. See also IAMMAX, SWORN BOOK.
According to the fifteenth-century magickal text known as the Liber de Angelis, Yfasue serves beneath the infernal king known as the Red Fighter, or Rubeus Pugnator. Both he and his master are demons of Mars, and they are called upon to assist in the construction of the encahanted Ring of Mars. Yfasue lends his powers of destruction to the power of this talisman. Once properly charged, the ring can be used to lash out at enemies and utterly destroy them. See also LIBER DE ANGELIS, RUBEUS PUGNATOR.
A demon named in the Liber de Angelis, Yobial is connected with the planet Mars. He answers to the infernal king known as the Rubeus Pugnator. Undder this fearsome demon's rule, Yobial is summoned to help create the ARing of Mars. This destructive talisman is reputed to give a person the power to strike out at enemies and destroy them. See also LIBER DE ANGELIS, RUBEUS PUGNATOR.