
Teaches philosophy perfectly.  Brings souls back from the dead to answer questions.

A murmur can be a heart issue.  

In general, a murmur is a low, indistinct, continuous sound.  It can manifest as the sound from a stream, a highway creating sound, planes (if you live near an airport), or far-off voices.  It can also be a mumbled or muttered complaint (a variant of far-off voices).  It can be any abnormal sound heard by auscultation especially of the heard.  

A murmur implies a continuous flow of words or sounds in a low indistinct voice and may apply to utterances of satisfaction or dissatisfaction.  Usually can suggest anger or discontented words or sounds of this kind.  To mumble is to utter almost inaudible or inarticulate sounds in low tones with the mouth nearly closed.  

Most people if they are constantly exposed to these sounds will develop a tolerance or somehow not notice them anymore.  This is an example of the phenomenon we all know of with children.  Children are more sensitive to the paranormal.  

The demon murmur, at its core, is about necromancy and communicating with the dead or unseen.

The fifty-forth demon named in the Goetia.  Scot's Discoverie of Witchcraft identifies this demon as both a duke and an earl.  He is said to appear in the shape of a soldier riding a gryphon.  As befitting his rank, he wears a ducal crown upon his dead.  He has command over thirty legions of lesser spirits, and when he manifests, two of his ministers go before him, sounding trumpets.  Wierus's Pseudomonarchia Daemonum says that he once belonged partly to the heavenly Order of Thrones and partly to the Order of Angels.  The Welsh Book of Incantations agrees.  Murmur teaches philosophy and has the power to call the souls of the departed, making them appear and answer any questions put to them.  In the Goetia of Dr. Rudd, his name is given as Marmus.  He is said to be constrained in the name of the angel NithaelSee also BOOK OF INCANTATIONS, GOETIA, RUDD, SCOT, WIERUS.