
Turns any metal into gold.  Gives one high offices and titles.  Answers questions about past, present and future.

What a useful demon!  Especially in the art of alchemy.  

The twenty-eighth demon of the Goetia.  According to both Wierus's Pseudomonarchia Daemonum and Scot's Discoverie of Witchcraft, Berith is known by three different names.  Some know him as Beal, a possible variation of Bael and/or Baal. Among necromancers, he is said to be called Bolfri (Scot renders this name Bolfry).  Finally his name among Jews is said to be Berith (which Scot renders Berithi).  Berith is, in fact, a Hebrew word, but it is not connected with anything infernal.  In the Hebrew language, berith means "covenant," and it is used most often to refer to the covenant between God and his chosen people.  How exactly this word made its way into demonology as the name of a demon is somewhat of a puzzle, although considering the vast number of Hebew names -- specifically names of God -- co-opted by predominantly Christian medieval magicians for their invocations, this corruption of Berith should not exactly be surprising.  

In both the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum and Scot's Discoverie of Witchcraft, Berith is said to appear in the form of a red soldier.  His clothes and horse are also red in color.  These details very firmly establish Berith as a marital demon, as the planet Mars was believed to be tied to soldiers, warfare, and the color red.  Curiously, his powers do not seem to include anything particularly connected with Mars.  He is said to turn all metals into gold and to confer dignities.  He speaks on the occult as well as all things concerning the past, present, and future.  In this, he is said to speak truthfully, but late in the same passage, he is specifically described as a liar.  This may be a warning to indicate that he will lie freely unless otherwise compelled by the magician.  He is ranked as a great and terrible duke with twenty-six legions of spirits beneath him.  the Goetia of Dr. Rudd gives his alternate names as Beale and Bolfry.  He is said to be governed by the angel Seechiah.  In the Munich Handbook, Berith is the guardian of the east called upon to provide a cloak of invisibility.  In the Book of Oberon he is described as one of the twelve principal demons serving the king of the south, Amaimon.  His preferred appearance is that of a knight with two red crowns and a red horse, reaffirming his planetary connections with Mars.  In the Livre des esperitz, his name is spelled Berteth.  His powers similarly encompass alchemical transformation and societal influence.  See also AMAIMON, BAAL, BAEL, BOOK OF OBERON, GOETIA, LIVRE DES ESPERITZ, RUDD, SCOT, WIERUS.