
Asteroid Number 8080
Discovered on November 17, 1987 at Caussols

The Intel 8080 microprocessor is the ancestor of a series of microprocessor chips going from the 8086, 8088, 80286, 80386, 80486 to today's Pentium processors. Fundamental to the “PC revolution”, the 8080 did much to advance astronomy at amateur and professional observatories worldwide.

This is about your processor.  How you process things.  Intel brand processors are the best, honestly.  There's a choice i3, i5, i7 and I think now-a-days, generation 9+ they have i9s.  They're state of the art.  If a PC or whatever has a different brand processor, I won't even consider it because these are so great.

I drew, made, created the sigil for Intel