
Asteroid Number 12598
Discovered September 9, 1999 by the Lincoln Laboratory Near-Earth Asteroid Research Team at Socorro.

Elizabeth Sierra (b. 1985) is a finalist in the 2002 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her biochemistry project. She attends the Alhambra High School, Alhambra, California, U.S.A.

The name Sierra means black.  In Cleveland is the only place in the world where we call soda, pop.  It's slang of a type.  

What is really so different between Sierra and Pepsi?  

More to come next time on the Daily Show.

However, the quite main idea here is to get darkness from light is a severe cognitive dysfunction.  Probably curable by Dialectic Behavior Therapy.  One main skill we should learn is opposite action which would be deriving light from the darkness we have worked so effortlessly to escape.  

Think about Michelle Knight and A Decade of Darkness.

I drew the sigil for Sierra.

Constance, Sierra Hope

Sierra Magazine from Fall, 2021