Ceres can represent or symbolize or be the driving force of transformation rituals.
The integration or reintegration of healthy sex and the intimate pleasures associated with it.
This one is about combining and merging into one.
Many of us are scared, feel fear in regard to men or feel some type of shame surrounding sex in general and therefore avoid sex all together. This is about transforming into a sexual being without the threat or pain, or bottom line of fear, when entering a sexual experience.
this is about a menstrual period that's why it's called the flow of inspiration. every single time you have something important to you and you don't really acknowledge how that person feels and try to inspire them instead of realizing they're hurt somehow somewhere and someway, your efforts really backfire.
a menstrual period is sometimes a miss carriage that's why this is called the flow of inspiration.
i experienced personally when this guy that liked me but wasn't very connected to me and didn't really understand me as a female went one step too far and then badda bing badda boom, miscarriage.
this one shows all the whatever that could have been if there was some kind of emotional sensitivity.
That's what's missing in these situations where one person doesn't seem to value something as much as another one. Support, nurturance, integration of love and creativity could have been procreated between the one that didn't acknowledge the delicate feminine but instead there was a miscarriage and I will never a natural response by my body.
When it's too late it's too late.