Asteroid Number 2683
Discovered January 10, 1981 by Thomas, N. G. at Flagstaff (AM)
The name Brian means high and noble. The internet Quran over at is cleverly named The Noble Quran.
Anywhere, somewhere there's this game that you can play where you can pick the feminine route or the masculine route and be Allah and you have your one partner. The trick to the game is that you, as Allah, listen to everything and your partner obeys and you journey through the Quran to save souls and be ever merciful and oft forgiving. And the key to this is to make sure that you do not fall victim to the other side ... or something's demands ....
That's the truth. The other side is demanding for you to both listen and obey. But if you listen and you have your partner to obey you after you listen and come to your conclusion, then you beat the other "trying" to recruit virgins from your hearth to fight their war.
Brian was one of the three sons of Tuireann, whose family is engaged in a feud with the family of Cian, father of the God Lugh. This one doesn't really matter, I got bored reading it so I stopped.
So Brian David Mitchell is the guy that kidnapped Elizabeth Smart. That's all I know right now. His wife is Wanda. This guy is very evil. I read some pieces of her book and I will read more some day. But at this point I know this is some of the shit this guy dabbles in:
• Evoking Eternity
..."I choked in order to keep breathing..." ..."He started talking..." ..."I caught some of his words: 'I seal you to me on this Earth and what is sealed here on Earth is sealed in the afterlife, and I take you to be my wife. Before God and his angels as my witnesses."
-My Story, Elizabeth Smart, from Chapter The Rape of a Child
Brian David Mitchell's Mugshot taken on the day he was arrested March 12, 2003
If you look in his eyes you can see how evil he is.
The Arrest
"Mormon Prophet arrested."