⚖ ☭ Ceres ☭ ⚖
Greek Equivalent is Demeter
>>Ceres Asteroid<<
Long ago, Ceres and her beloved daughter Persephone wandered the earth togehter. So happy were they in each other's presence that they blessed the earth with a perpetual season of harvest. In this Golden Age, the world knew no deprivation, no winter.
All I know is that one time my great grandpa was showing us (my brother and I) these movies to scare us (my brother and I) of what hell is. And people were being thrown down to hell and all you see is some man looking like Lucifer laughing, experiencing great joy from the fact that people were getting thrown down to hell.
Principle of Unconditional Love and Acceptance
Nurturing care and concern, self-image, self-worth, self-esteem, love matrix
Pathology of Loss
Rejection, abandonment, grief, suffering, anger
Attachment and Aversion
Attempting to maintain sole control over children, possessions or creations
[Lesbians and social workers] are personifications of not only violent death but epidemic diseases, haunting areas infected by plague.
-Hecate & The Black Arts, Michael Ford
Occult Themes
Death passage, blood mysteries.
Ceres is at home and rules the IC. The IC ("Imum Coeli") is the Maternal side of one's family, or the Mother herself. The IC, like Ceres, is about unconditional love and nurturing "of a mother."
Ceres represents or symbolizes losing it all and then getting it all back.
This is the house wife, who cooks, cleans and sees humor in everyday occurrences.
The IC in one's chart is the lowest point, meaning out of sight, out of mind. I like to refer to it as HELL. That's what Ceres rules is HELL.
Ceres can be about single father issues and my baby daddy says that child support is a single father issue. Take that as you will.
Ceres can also be about transformation rituals. But most notably, is the story of her daughter Persephone. Ceres was with her 12-year old daughter Persephone in a field, enjoying a beautiful spring day and picking flowers and Pluto/Hades and Jupiter (the father of Persephone) plotted an abduction of the young girl.
The Dark Goddess Hecate witnessed the whole abduction and then assists Ceres throughout the night in her search for her daughter. One form of the triple moon goddess is Ceres, Persephone, Hecate. Mother, Maiden, Crone. The triple-moon goddess is always a full moon.
From Asteroid Goddesses by Demetra George & Douglas Bloch
Ceres in Gemini ♊ persons receive nurturance through being educated, talked to, and listened to. These people nurture others mentally through communicating knowledge to them. Self acceptance is based on feeling smart or intellectually competent. Imbalance occurs when feelings of mental inadequacy lead to learning disabilities or to attempts to intellectually impress or verbally manipulate others.
Ceres in Cancer ♋ individuals receive nurturance through bonding with the mother, feeling loved, and being fed. If these needs are met at an early age, these people will excel at caring for others physically and emotionally. Self-acceptance is based on one's ability to express feelings and master emotions. Imbalance occurs when the child is either deprived of nurturance or smothered with love and affection. Excessive neediness or emotional dependency are the resulting psychological affliction.
Ceres in Leo ♌ individuals identify nurturance with self-expression. Ideally, the parents will foster in the child a sense of pride, confidence in his/her abilities, and an appreciation for the creative efforts of others. These people can nurture others by helping them express their creativity -- thereby making a unique impression upon the outer world. Self-acceptance is based upon tone's ability to create and share something he/she takes pride in. The inability to do so may bring self-rejection and lack of self-confidence.
Ceres in Virgo ♍ persons identify nurturance with perfection or with service. Ideally, the mothering experience can foster the child's sense of competence, discrimination, and self-discipline which gives the ability to extend skills to others. Nurturing is expressed through teaching others to achieve excellence by right application of skills and talents. Feelings of self-worth arise through mastering a skill or technique and expressing it in the work world, or through feeling useful to others. Imbalance often results when the children are constantly criticized for their efforts, no matter how good they were. This can lead to an obsessive need to be perfect and to be critical of the imperfections in others.
Ceres in Libra ♎ individuals identify nurturing with cooperation. Ideally, the mothering experience fosters a sensitivity to others with a positive attitude toward relationships. Nurturing is expressed through imparting instructions on how to interact, cooperate, and exhibit right conduct in egalitarian relationships. Self-acceptance may be based upon one's demonstrated ability to create harmony in one's relationships and environment. Imbalances occur when one is so other-directed that he or she places being accepted above a need for self-determination.
Ceres in PIsces ♓ people identify nurturing with compassion. Such a person receives nurturance through feeling connected to and unified with a reality beyond him or herself. Nurturance is expressed through alleviating the suffering of others - either through empathy or inspiring in them the qualities of faith, universal love, and recognition of a transcendent reality. Self-acceptance may be based upon the ability to serve others selflessly without expecting anything in return. Imbalances occur when the individual does not receive the proper reassurance and emotional support as a child. This often leads to feelings of helplessness and powerlessness which in turn promote the victim-martyr syndrome.