Asteroid Number 19
Discovered August 22, 1852 by John Russell Hind
This thing has tormented me for the longest God Damned damn. I have called it the Fortuna monkey. She basically spreads, or rather blindly distributes a bunch of gold coins. It's communism in a way. See the card. She has a smug look on her face while Apep is occupied trying to get a taste of the ass, the triple moon goddess, and "SET" ... "HE'S READY" THE DEMON MONEY WHISPERS IN MY EAR.
Look at tge ten of Cups, that's definitely a Tuna Fish ... Discovering a Pyramid.
Maslow's Heigharchy of Needs
I have discovered that our youth thinks that Internet and Wifi is more important of a 'need' than Physiological needs. Like you need internet and wifi before you can satisfy your basic human instinctual needs of breathing, food, water, sex, sleep, homeostasis and shitting. What a Discovery! Our Youth is so flawed.
I have adopted the idea in my mind that you can not fix what you created. Like if you created some combustible mess that is meant to destroy to destruct you don't have the power to fix that, another can though. It's about asking for help from someone more capable and able. QUITE FRANKLY I'm not sure who created these kids who's need for internet and wifi seem more important than their physiological needs. I'm not gonna Judge though, I guess.