
Asteroid Number H58
Discovered on January 22, 1897 by Dr. Waldemath

The Ivory Keys...
More to come on this theory.

Transmutation of the Harsh Aspects of Anti-Mother Energies
Taweret of Little Egypt

This Lilith seems to be the one out for vengeance.  They speak of this Lilith in the Quran.  She goes and takes back her gifts that you have given to her throughout your relationship if your relationship somehow fails.  She's hurt about it, but she's vengeful because it's your faultVengeance means you have a reason to seek relief and you want the person/whatever to know it is you causing whatever result.  

This is not necessarily a sexual placement of Lilith.  But it symbolizes being alone with your own mind.  

It works best if you become devoted to creating.

I made the sigil for Vengeance Lilith.  It's pretty similar to the symbol used for her.  It looks like the void.  

They say Lilith is Waldemath's Soul.  


(1)  We Are Farmers, Three Loco
(2) Farmers Almanac see Information/Disclaimer
(3)  Wicker vs. Waldemath, 471 N.W.2d 731 (1991)

Waldemath can be the one that goes to take back her gifts that a male tried to take away from her, or it could be a male going to take back his gifts he frivilously gave to someone... You know it depends whether the Waldemath was the bride or groom and who got the divorce.

More coming on this theory another time, another place.

This is a version of Lilith in which she, herself, doesn't even know who she is.  The asteroid, named "Waldemath," after the discoverer, Dr. Waldemath, himself, seems to be an effective way to give her an id.  Meaning, an awareness or knowing of her sorroundings, her enemies, and when to run for her own safety.  "Fight or Flight."  

In my vantage point, it seems like main idea of this asteroid, at times is that Waldemath is the Eve of a sort to the discoverer, Dr. Waldemath.  But in a way, gives her what she needs to escape inferiority and a man that is willing to live under and abide by the rules and regulations of a God that was just never in it for her.  We define our relationship with God. 

That's why this idea of Waldemath is so important.  It allows us to for

Other sources on the internet say Waldemath is about letting one's ego fade.  There are three levels of ego

The Angel Complex
Highest level of ego.  A complex, ingrained system of right and wrong.  

The Basic Ego
Programming from our parents of what is acceptable and unacceptable.  A sense of guilt is possible here.  

The lowest, basic level of ego that alerts our mind when we are in danger and when to runFight or Flight responses.  

Further other sources, indicate that Waldemath is the Lilith that leaves the Garden of Eden and wants to alone with her mind.  It seems to be, the basic id is often the awareness of the decline in mental capacity and/or the mind.  The onset of pestilence is the biggest one. 

Pestilence seems to be a strain of marijuana at times.  If you don't know how to cure marijuana the right way, it can grow mold and ruin the entire crop. 

No, the ego is not about a conscience.
Totally different, ego is a psychology term whereas conscience is a philosophical term.

Dr.  Waldemath seems to be an expert witness in realm of Psychology.
For more on why expert witnesses are so important, think about the underworld courts.

This thing is of extremely high intelligence and knows its way around words.  That's all I got to say about 'ol Waldy.  

There's C-Spanol and there's Espanol, pick your poison because I'm sick of the news webite. 

If something is The Devil, then something is The Devil. The stronger someone hates their husband, the stronger their love for him may be at another time.  From one extreme to another.

"I will not fall in love with a monster!"
-Waldy, in her role as the enemy of her husband on the date of discovery....


I think this version of the Anti-Mother manifests the strongest when she is depressed which I really think is just a manifestation of not being found attractive, or maybe not finding herself attractive, thereby not creating any illumination for herself.
I feel like creating illumination is as simple as finding someone or something attractive...
**Picture and more details at a later date...
In one tarot set or another, The Sun is named Illumination.  Depression is a lack of illumination in the brain...
Depression is not exactly a mental illness, it's actually quite the opposite.
Mental Illness, the root word ill means/is illumination.

Embarrassment is below Me...
A Mark of Satan...
"I Feel Ruined"
A Mark of Waldemath
When She's Not Satisfied With Your Current Lover
"I am your Mind"
A Mark of Satan...

Apophis Spirits in the Form of
a Mexican Sun...
My feelings feel so Good.
The Manara doesn't offer Apophis Spirits....


A serpent offering you an apple...
This be what happens when love the serpent...
See:  Amor in The Divine Collection...
and ask yourself daily:  Do I need someone to help me connect to The Divine?

This is just one example of my Love for What's His Name...

So exactly, how does what's his name try to curse what's her name to fall in love with a Monster?  He tries to use a certain tip or type of such Monster that has already, in a sense, in legalized as a gateway drug, in a sense, to 

The tip here is that He only damages himself...  The nigga can only inflict vices upon men.  Long story short, to be a Greek God, or any other God for that Matter, I think you have to have some God in the mix somewhere...