
Asteroid Number 201
Discovered August 7, 1879 by Palisa, J. at Pola 

Pen Elope.  Who knows?  When I was a child my father built a pen in the backyard for our three dogs, Emerly, Asmine, and Ray... A Pen is like a structure to keep animals enclosed.  Lol, or like, a penitentiary.  

Anyway.... There's nothing like Las Vegas, NV.  

Four of Wands
Piper, or what looks like Piper, feeling good about another female another in the state pen...

The first wife in the state pen is none other than Bella Donna.  

This is a small detail, of course.  But if they're boxed in "four corners" - BINGO! they're in the state pen.

Amber Simpson
When Homer Eloped....

Definitely Satan.