
Asteroid Number 21561
Discovered August 28, 1998 by the Lincoln Laboratory Near-Earth Asteroid Research Team at Socorro, New Mexico

There's many things this could be.  One interpretation of this one is someone who has a whole lot of what you want... or what you need... and thus, a vampire is limited by who their master is

That's why someone trying to supplant the supplanter, is always limited by their Master... The supplanter.

Masterman.. yes, this is one hell of a demonic asteroid.   This is all personal knowledge as a matter of fact.  It relates to the Demon Beelzebub insofar as that this Masterman will attempt daily to claim, climb or otherwise overthrow this Beelzebub's dung hill.  On other resources, he has been referred to as "domineering" but how I interpret this is that he just wont stop.  Someday he might make it to the top.  "Looking to Supplant the Supplanter" is the best key words.  

It's kind of anarchial to a point, if I say so myself.

This critter has more willpower than anything else in the world.   Definitely more than her counterpart Denise.   About Denise, the typical Masterman complex kicks in when what's his name refuses to pay for the second baby.  The second baby is just a sweet affirmation.  That's why the gender changed in relation to being a counterpart. 

I created the sigil for here.  This is how I see it.  Take it as you will.