
Tells the past and future.
Pays Litigation Fees.
Causes friends and enemies to behave as though family.

>>Egyptian God Amun Asteroid<<

Also spelled Aamon and Ammon, this demon rules as a marquis over forty legions of devils.  He appears as a wolf with a serpent's tale.  In Wierus's Pseudomonarchia Daemonum, the wolf is said to vomit flame.  In his translation in the Discovery of Witchcraft, Scot changes this slightly, saying instead that the wolf only breathes fire.  Amon can be commanded to assume the form of a man, but even in this case, his monstrous nature still shows forth.  Here the texts diverge again.  The Pseudomonarchia tells us that Amon's human form has dog's teeth and the head of a night hawk.  scot says he appears with dog's teeth and the head of a raven.  The Welsh Book of Incantations agrees with Scot.  The Book of Oberon agrees that his human form has the teeth of a hound but says nothing about the raven's head.  The differences are slight but noteworthy.  Both texts agree that this demon can speak of past, present, and future.  He also reconciles friends and foes and procures favor for those brave enough to call him up.  He is named as the seventh of seventy-two demons in the Goetia.  In the Goetia of Dr. Rudd, he is further said to bow to the power of the angel Achasiah.  In the Book of Oberon, he is identified as one of the twelve principal ministers of King Oriens of the East.  He is also named in Livre des esperitz, a sixteenth-century French grimoire.  See also BOOK OF INCANTATIONS, BOOK OF OBERON, GOETIA, LIVRE DES ESPERITZ, ORIENS, RUDD, SCOT, WIERUS.