God of the Sky

>>Horus Asteroid<<

The Light of Egypt

Crack-headed aunt Kathy...
The only thing that balances Seth...

There's this story of Horus... After Seth had killed his dad and took the throne Horus, in a crowd of nobodies goes out looking for revenge, finds it, and then somehow or another takes the throne. 

Yes, revenge is so addictive.  But so is smoking it on the front porch with or without you....

YOU KNOW, Anubis is Jesus... Anubis is also by virtue of reason Horus' Cousin "It."  Therefore, by way of Virtue and Reason when you nail it you have done a good job being but a servant of God.
This is not funny I'm sick of my son suffering and Horus laughing about it.
He must be a meth head.  I'm sorry but he has to be a meth head.  Methheads think everything about Apophis is funny.