Steals treasures from kings. Destroys cities and the dignities of men. Tells of things past, present and future. Causes love between friends and foes.
A bit of a scavenger. Will wait for the right moment to attack. Very predatorily, yeah, sure.
But also, it seems like this is the guy that my dad wanted to scavenge on him instead of being buried or burnt when he died. Alas, he didn't get his death wishes. He said when he died he wanted to be hung and eaten by birds or other scavengers??
But he got cremiated. He died when I was only 17-years old and my brother was 12-years old. It's unfortunate we didn't get out wishes. In this present moment my brother is 26-years old. I'm still 17.
A demon alternatively given as Raym in Wierus's Pseudomonarchia Daemonum and as Raim in Scot's Discoverie of Witchcraft. This demon reportedly manifests in the form of a crow. He can also take the shape of a man, and when he does so, he makes an excellent thief. Scot's Discoverie of Witchcraft says that he can steal wonderfully from the house of the king and transport his pilfered goods wherever he is instructed. He can confer dignities and reconcile both friends and foes. The Welsh Book of Incantations agrees on these points. Raum is the fortieth of seventy-two demons named in the Goetia. Like most of the demons named in this work, he is also knowledgeable about matters concerning the past, present, and future. He has the power to destroy whole cities, though his preferred method of destruction is left unnamed. He formerly belonged to the Order of Thrones and now holds the title of earl among the hierarchies of Hell. Thirty legions of infernal spirits follow his command. In the Goetia of Dr. Rudd, he is said to be constrained by the angel Jejazel. See also BOOK OF INCANTATIONS, GOETIA, RUDD, SCOT, WIERUS.