Show Time

Current Commercials:  

A subscription service you can order in your workplace.  It's a nice way to shock the conscious of a brand-new employee.

Tick Tock on the Clock, but the party don't stop, NO!
News programming.  You know this works extra nicely when there's employees paid by the hour.  In this program, the run-time (meaning the time that work is actually done....) is 43-minutes, and then of course there's 17-minutes of commercials to distract the employees but the commercials are paid for by some third-party somewhere and are really effective in perfecting the programming of whatever machine you want to create.  

Jerry Springer
This one is only for when two ugly broads are fighting over one male.  

This is a Cleveland Exclusive.  That's where we get our inspiration.  Now it's world-wide apparently.  The Day before Independence Day is very important.
This seems to, in the present case at hand anyway, only be true in the Morning (AM) hours which are defined as sunrise to noon (8:00 AM - 12:00 PM).   There's a special Evening (PM) edition which only happens after 6:00 PM.  

For more information on this, see Hecate and her connection with the Affirmators! Line of Products for more.

Hecate (under the guise, the name of "LuLu") goes and fights one-on-one for her man against one of the various roman females of catholic descent.  You know, if you know, however, she always wins, and always gets to marry whoever the fuck this dumb ass is she fights.  This dumb ass bitch only wins the fight because of her best friend ol Lala that never appears live on anything but does all of her dirty work.. It's the saddest story since baked bread.  Motherfucking Lala doesn't let them hurt animals or impose via emotional or psychic vampirisms on Lulu, and you know other various Laveyan rules stop the opponent of this Lulu from getting her way.  This damn Lala is the Moon, or at least that's what her name means.

The Bold and The Beautiful

You can either be bold or you can be beautiful.  This is a morning soap opera.  It comes on daily.  You know Brian creates a beautiful woman.

My mother, whoever she is, can't help but watch this.  She waits for it daily to come on.  Of course.


Just someone of higher than average intelligence talking shit about something making sense somewhere in the nation without much need to explain more.  

The rapist and Hornets for the win.  If they're confused or if they're offended they're not the ones for you.  However, to burn a hornets nest is just to calm an angry feminist down .  

it could be waldo but a nick name is a nick name. 


The North Node is called the Dragon Head in The Combination of Stellar Influences so all I know about this one is that Butthead, in fact, uses someone's Moon as their head, their Life Purpose....